According to legend, an ominous entity known as the "Queen of Spades" can be summoned by performing an ancient ritual. Those brave enough, draw a door and a staircase on a mirror, in darkness, say her name three times, and what happens next must be experienced to be believed. Four teenagers decide to summon the Queen as a joke, but they could never imagine the horrors this innocent prank would condemn them and their loved ones to. The evil entity won't stop until she gets their souls. 

Region All

  • From Director Patrick White (producer of the cult smash Jack Brooks: Monster Slayer)
  • Written by John Ainslie (writer of Jack Brooks: Monster Slayer)
  • Stars Daniel Kash (Aliens), Daniel Kash (Shazam!), Jamie Bloch & Eric Osborne (Degrassi: Next Class) and Mikael Conde (Midway)

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Queen Of Spades

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