Add To Your WishlistThe Funhouse (4k UHD / Blu-Ray w/slip)

Add To Your WishlistThe Funhouse (4k UHD / Blu-Ray w/slip)

“… The Funhouse really excels as Hooper takes excellent advantage of the setting … plus it’s got a terrific twist with its killer that makes it one worth seeking out.” – Charles Webb, MTV

Director Tobe Hooper (The Texas Chain Saw Massacre, Lifeforce) pays affectionate tribute to various classic horror movies in this tale of two teenage couples who spend the night in a sleazy carnival funhouse.

On her first date with Buzz (Cooper Huckabee, True Blood), Amy (Elizabeth Berridge, Amadeus) disobeys her father and goes to the carnival with Richie (Miles Chapin, Hair) and Liz (Largo Woodruff, The Ladies Club) … but their first date may end up as their last. After witnessing a murder, the four terrified teens are trapped in the maze of the Funhouse and stalked by a real monster: a horribly deformed killer who lurks among the freakish exhibits to butcher them one by one! Also starring Sylvia Miles (Midnight Cowboy) and Kevin Conway (Invincible) in three roles, The Funhouse features special makeup designs by the ingenious Rick Baker (An American Werewolf In London, Ed Wood).

Region A Blu-ray

4K/UHD Region Free

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The Funhouse (4k UHD / Blu-Ray w/slip)

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