Add To Your WishlistThe Werewolf Of Washington (Bluray)

Add To Your WishlistThe Werewolf Of Washington (Bluray)

Region ABC

Watergate-era governmental corruption inspired this cinematic howl of anger from counter-culture auteur Milton Moses Ginsberg (Coming Apart). The Werewolf of Washington is a biting satire that savagely attacks beltway politics while paying playful homage to the wolfman pictures of the past. Dean Stockwell (Blue Velvet) stars as a presidential aide whose rise to power is exacerbated by the bite of a wolf, transforming him into a bloodthirsty beast with the rising of every full moon. As history has shown, a monster in the White House is not strictly a 1970s phenomenon, and so, half a century later, The Werewolf of Washington is as eviscerating and relevant as ever. This edition includes a 2K restoration of the original theatrical release version, as well as a special director’s cut prepared by Ginsberg shortly before his death in 2021. Director’s cut (2021, 74 Min.)

2K Restoration of the original theatrical version (89 Min.) | Interview with Milton Moses Ginsberg, by Jacob Perlin (8 Min.) | A critical discussion with Simon Abrams and Sheila O’Malley (19 Min.) | Theatrical trailer | TV Spot

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The Werewolf Of Washington (Bluray)

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